
aisladores baja tension poinsa

Low-voltage isolators: characteristics, types and use

Electrical insulators are fundamental elements in any electrical system, as they are responsible for separating the electrical conductors from the rest of the elements that make up the circuit. In this way, they prevent electricity from escaping and causing damage or accidents. In the case of low voltage insulators, they fulfil this function in systems that work with voltages of less than 1000 volts.

aplicaciones y usos de aisladores en el sector electrico poinsa

Uses and applications of insulators in the electrical sector

Insulators are essential components in the electrical sector, as they ensure the safety and proper functioning of electrical installations. In this article, we will look at what insulators are, their types, the materials used in their manufacture, their role in the electrical sector and much more.

aisladores en condiciones extremas poinsa

Insulators in extreme conditions: how they perform in fire, ice and other environmental factors

The use of insulators is essential in the transmission of electrical power. These components are responsible for supporting the conductors of cables and keeping them insulated from the ground and other elements. However, in certain extreme conditions, insulators can fail, which can endanger the safety of the electrical system and the people working near it. In this article, we will explore how insulators behave in extreme conditions such as fire, ice and other environmental factors.

aisladores de alta tension poinsa

High-voltage insulators: characteristics, types and use

High voltage electrical insulators are vital components in electrical power transmission and distribution systems. Isolators are devices designed to withstand high electrical voltages and isolate the electrical conductor from the tower support. In this article, we will explore the main features of high voltage insulators.

Polymeric Electrical Insulators

High quality polymeric electrical insulators. We constantly invest in the latest technologies to continue improving the quality of development of our high, medium and low

Railway insulators Solutions

Poinsa is a company dedicated to manufacture and distribution of porcelain, ceramic and polymeric electrical insulators founded in 1978. It is part of a business

Quality Standards at Poinsa

Product quality is one of the most important attributes in any company. It can be said that it is the cornerstone held in place with

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